

A Philosophy: It's possible for life to be easy to enjoy and thrive in [with exceptions]. What usually gets in our way are our own mental fallacies and real-time misallocations of time and energy. By defining a personal protocol of operation for different aspects of life, we can optimize our actions to more aligned with our long-term best interest.

Wake Up

Physiological Reset

Physiological Reset


cold shower

Mental Reset


breathe fresh air

sun exposure

change environment


think about how far you've come

think about how much farther there is to go

assess your day thus far


step away from the task at hand

engage in physical activity or visit nature

remind yourself why the task is worth doing

Learn Nuanced Concepts

find and study specialized content

converse with AI


Learn Nuanced Concepts

synthesize related research

converse with experts

Deep Work

prototype and iterate

Deep Work

Physiological Reset (optional)

have only a single objective

find an environment that won't promote mental context switching

remove physical distractions and block distracting sites

Remote Workday

start early

Deep Work

have a lunch break

define explicit end time

Discern the World as a Complex Place

study foreign languages

study history

study the occult

read arxiv papers

browse Google Earth


don't participate in activities at the expense of the future

be wary of short-term gratification

if you must procrastinate, do so without your phone

if you break your own protocol, you're a dumbass

if your thoughts are not in your favor, take a walk

a day's fulfillment can be loosely correlated with how many times you overcame internal resistance

Inspirations for this document:

This Naval pod Blueprint Deep Work Building a second brain